How to Enable Staticman v3 on Minimal Mistakes

Hey I came back to write the blog but I found out that my staticman has failed. I checked the document but I have been unable to enable it for a long time. So I chose to use Vincent Tam’s staticman to get the job done you can refer to my method to make it work.

Invite staticmanlab as a collaborator to your repository

Staticman comments

To use Staticman, you first need to invite staticmanlab as a collaborator to your repository (by going to your repository Settings page, navigate to the Collaborators tab, and add the username staticmanlab), and then accept the invitation by going to Lastly, fill in the staticman parameters in the Staticman section of _config.yml. You may also choose a different Staticman instance other than staticmanlab.

Add endpoint in _config.yml

# _config.yml
repository  : # Git username/repo-name e.g. "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes"
  provider  : "staticman_v2"
    branch    : "master"
    endpoint  :

When you are done, I think staticman is already working. If you need turn on reCaptcha you should going to encrypt your secret key and add to _config.yml and staticman.yml

# _config.yml
  siteKey                : ""
  secret                 : ""
# staticman.yml
    enabled: true
    siteKey: ""
    secret: ""

When you’re done, your staticman goes back to your blog and starts working.

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